Name must be from 1 to {0} characters long, start with letter and contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
Microsoft Azure Data Catalog is a fully managed cloud service that serves as a system of registration and system of discovery ...
Microsoft Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that automates the movement and transformation of ...
Moving asset to a data source location with a different protocol is not supported. From protocol: '{0}'. To protocol: '{1}'. ...
Name must be from 1 to {0} characters long, start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character. ...
Name must be from 1 to {0} characters long, start with letter and contain only letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character. ...
Name: '{0}' is not a valid name. For Data Factory naming restrictions, please see ...
Namespace must be from 1 to {0} characters long, contain one or more non-empty parts separted by dot (.). Each part must ...
Namespace must be from 1 to {0} characters long, contain one or more non-empty parts separted by dot (.). Each part must ...
No Column Information Available: Column information was not included when this data source was registered with Azure Data ...