Binding '{0}' lacks a TransportBindingElement. Every binding must have a binding element that derives from TransportBindingElement. This binding element must appear last in the BindingElementCollection.
Bind with PropertyReference '{1}' resolves to a property which has index parameters. Indexers are not allowed when binding ...
Binding '{0}' doesn't support creating any channel types. This often indicates that the BindingElements in a CustomBinding ...
Binding '{0}' from namespace '{1}' contains operations with matching wire signatures. Wire signature of message '{2}' matches ...
Binding '{0}' is not configured properly. OneWayBindingElement requires an inner binding element that supports IRequestChannel/IReplyChannel ...
Binding '{0}' lacks a TransportBindingElement. Every binding must have a binding element that derives from TransportBindingElement. ...
Binding '{0}' was not found in config. The config file must be present and contain a binding matching the one specified in ...
Binding for property '{0}' cannot use the target element's Language for conversion; if a culture is required, ConverterCulture ...
Binding settings conflict with an existing instance that is using the same mesh name. Check the value of the property {0}. ...
Binding validation failed because the binding's ExactlyOnce property is set to true while the destination queue is non-transactional. ...