This compatibility fix is used to handle scheduling issues that may arise with applications, such as threads suspending or resuming themselves. It also normalizes all thread and process priorities that may starve other threads or processes. Applies to: Windows 95, Windows 98
This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the RegisterClass API and changes the brush type to HOLLOW_BRUSH. This prevents ...
This compatibility fix intercepts calls to the RegQueryValueEx APIs for REG_EXPAND_SZ registry keys and converts them to ...
This compatibility fix intercepts failing CRT calls that attempt to create a temporary file at the root of the volume and ...
This compatibility fix is for applications that CoCreateInstance an old MP3 Codec directly and use it as a filter in a DirectShow ...
This compatibility fix is used to handle scheduling issues that may arise with applications, such as threads suspending or ...
This compatibility fix limits the DEPTH, BRANCH, or number of FILES returned by a FindFile search. Limits fully qualified ...
This compatibility fix makes calls to the waveOutOpen, waveOutGetDevCaps, midiOutOpen and midiOutGetDevCaps APIs with the ...
This compatibility fix marks this application as needing administrator privileges to run correctly. It will not run correctly ...
This compatibility fix marks this application to run in the most privileged security context available to the user. This ...