When operating in VertiPaq mode, a table can only be referenced in one measure group. '%{IWTableName/}' table is referenced more than once.
When IDENTITY columns are transferred to the Subscriber, the IDENTITY property will not be transferred. (For example, a column ...
When linking to a parameterized report, you can override the defaults by specifying the parameter names and values here. ...
When multiple hierarchies or virtual dimensions are migrated into the same Yukon dimension, the crossjoin of sets including ...
When operating in VertiPaq mode, a measure group can only have degenerate or reference dimension. Measure group '%{name/}' ...
When operating in VertiPaq mode, a table can only be referenced in one measure group. '%{IWTableName/}' table is referenced ...
When preparing to process change commands in LoadReplCmds, a NULL value was encountered for the last processed XactSeqno ...
When raising two Oracle standard exceptions, TOO_MANY_ROWS and NO_ DATA_FOUND, use a call to db_error_exact_one_row_check ...
When the breakpoint location is reached, the expression is evaluated and the breakpoint occurs only if the condition is true. ...
When the Max Cases property is set to 0, cross-validation uses all the cases in the data set. Therefore, the time needed ...