There are no configuration package files defined in your system. Assisted company setup will not be fully functional. Please contact your system administrator.
There are no %1 instances available for this database. You must ensure that a %1 instance is running and is configured to ...
There are no alerts set up yet. Create your first alert to receive email notifications for relevant posts or changes in trends. ...
There are no available completed on-premises connectors available for this project. You will need to create a new connector ...
There are no bacpac files to select from. Please verify that you have one available on the project asset library page and ...
There are no configuration package files defined in your system. Assisted company setup will not be fully functional. Please ...
There are no more entities available for creating profile items. You need to either enable a new entity through mobile offline ...
There are no planned resources left unfulfilled. No actions can be done using this form at this time. This form will be automatically ...
There are no published duplicate detection rules in the system. To run duplicate detection, you must create and publish one ...
There are no records with an ISOcode of US. Create a CountryRegion code with an ISOcode of US in the global address book. ...