Sorry, we ran into a problem while connecting to your account because of a problem with your computer's clock. Please make sure that it's set to the correct date, year, time, and time zone.OKHelp
Sorry, we couldn't open the folder '|'. It's possible the folder's name contains a / or \, the location is unavailable, or ...
Sorry, we couldn't verify your Office 365 subscription, so most features of |0 have been disabled. Please make sure that ...
Sorry, we ran into a problem starting your program. Please try starting it again, or Repair Office from 'Programs and Features' ...
Sorry, we ran into a problem updating Office. Please try starting updates again. If you still see this message, you may also ...
Sorry, we ran into a problem while connecting to your account because of a problem with your computer's clock. Please make ...
Sorry, we ran into a problem while trying to install the product key.If this keeps happening, you should try repairing your ...
Sorry, we weren't able to start your program. Please try starting it again, or try repairing Office from 'Programs and Features' ...
Sorry, we weren't able to start your program. Please try starting it again.If it still won't start, you can try repairing ...
Sort or group items displayed in the view.You can sort the items in ascending or descending order or create an advanced sort ...