LDIF Directory Exchange General Parameters ================== -i Turn on Import Mode (The default is Export) -f filename Input or Output filename -s servername The server to bind to (Default to DC of computer's domain) -c FromDN ToDN Replace occurences of FromDN to ToDN If either FromDN or ToDN ends with #attributeName, the attribute value will be looked up in rootDSE and used to replace #attributeName. See example for "Macro expansion in DNs". -v Turn on Verbose Mode -j path Log File Location -t port Port Number (default = 389) -u Use Unicode format -w timeout Terminate execution if the server takes longer than the specified number of seconds to respond to an operation (default = no timeout specified) -h Enable SASL layer signing and encryption -? Help Export Specific =============== -d RootDN The root of the LDAP search (Default to Naming Context) -r Filter LDAP search filter (Default to "(objectClass=*)") -p SearchScope Search Scope (Base/OneLevel/Subtree) -l list List of attributes (comma separated) to look for in an LDAP search -o list List of attributes (comma separated) to omit from input. -g Disable Paged Search. -m Enable the SAM logic on export. -n Do not export binary values -x Include deleted objects (tombstones) -1 Retain only the important replPropertyMetadata Import ====== -k The import will go on ignoring 'Constraint Violation' and 'Object Already Exists' errors -y The import will use lazy commit for better performance (enabled by default) -e The import will not use lazy commit -q threads The import will use the specified number of threads (default is 1) -z Continue importing irrespective of errors. -x Enable tombstone reanimation support (passes deleted objects control with ldap modify requests) Credentials Establishment ========================= Note that if no credentials is specified, LDIFDE will bind as the currently logged on user, using SSPI. -a UserDN [Password | *] Simple authentication -b UserName Domain [Password | *] SSPI bind method Example: Simple import of current domain ldifde -i -f INPUT.LDF Example: Simple export of current domain ldifde -f OUTPUT.LDF Example: Export of specific domain with credentials ldifde -m -f OUTPUT.LDF -b USERNAME DOMAINNAME * -s SERVERNAME -d "cn=users,DC=DOMAINNAME,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com" -r "(objectClass=user)" Example: Macro expansion in DNs ldifde -f export.ldf -c "#configurationNamingContext" "cn=configuration,dc=x" ldifde -i -f import.ldf -c "cn=configuration,dc=x" "#configurationNamingContext"
LDAP Query Group Created: New Account Name: %1 New Domain: %2 New Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: %5 Caller ...
LDAP Query Group Deleted: Target Account Name: %1 Target Domain: %2 Target Account ID: %3 Caller User Name: %4 Caller Domain: ...
LDAP will apply new QOS policy. QOS Policy ID: %1 LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2 LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3 IsReplicationPolicy: %4 ...
LDAP will apply updated QOS policy. QOS Policy ID: %1 LdapQosPolicyTrigger: %2 LdapQosPolicyMaxCpu: %3 IsReplicationPolicy: ...
LDIF Directory Exchange General Parameters = -i Turn on Import Mode (The default is Export) -f filename Input or Output filename ...
LDIF file importation was skipped because the AD LDS service could not be started. To import LDIF files after the service ...
Learn how to use a tablet pen to perform navigational and editing shortcuts. Navigational flicks include drag up, drag down, ...
Left hand side arguments to binary operators must be either attributes, nodes or variables and right hand side arguments ...
Legal entities that are constrained by and accountable to this Web site, but may use the data in a way not specified in this ...