Cannot create task for Service Broker message dispatcher. This message is a symptom of another problem that is preventing SQL Server from creating tasks. Please check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event log for additional messages.
Cannot create plan guide '%1!s!' from cache because the user does not have adequate permissions. Grant the VIEW SERVER STATE ...
Cannot create primary xml or spatial index '%1!s!' on '%2!s!' because PRIMARY KEY constraint contains column(s) of type timestamp. ...
Cannot create procedure '%1!s!' with a group number of %2!s! because a procedure with the same name and a group number of ...
Cannot create ROLAP aggregation because the cartridge for the '%{datasource/}' data source does not support indexed views. ...
Cannot create task for Service Broker message dispatcher. This message is a symptom of another problem that is preventing ...
Cannot create the agent job. '%1!s!' must be a valid Windows login in the form : 'MACHINE\Login' or 'DOMAIN\Login'. See the ...
Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because its select list does not include COUNT_BIG(*). Consider ...
Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because no row can satisfy the view definition. Consider eliminating ...
Cannot create the clustered index "%1!s!" on view "%2!s!" because the index key includes columns that are not in the GROUP ...