Smart card or certificate sign-in failed. Please contact your administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate couldn't be validated. Additional information might be available in the system event log.
SlotLayout is a free-form string that describes the slot positioning, typical usage, restrictions, individual slot spacings ...
Slots are special types of connectors into which adapter cards are inserted. This relationship of a card in a slot is made ...
Slots are special types of connectors into which adapter cards are typically inserted. The CIM_SlotInSlot relationship represents ...
Slots can be located in close proximity on hostingboards or other cards, such that if one of these slots is populated by ...
Smart card or certificate sign-in failed. Please contact your administrator and tell them that the KDC certificate couldn't ...
Smart Card Reader '%2' has not responded to IOCTL %3 in %1 seconds. If this error persists, your smart card or reader may ...
Smart Card Reader '%2' rejected IOCTL %3: %1 If this error persists, your smart card or reader may not be functioning correctly. ...
Smart Card Resource Manager was unable to cancel IOCTL %3 for reader '%2': %1 The reader may no longer be responding. If ...
SmartScreen Filter has little or no information about this program. Running this program might harm your computer. Name: ...