Replacing the current log '{2}' with the corresponding log from the active copy in order to continue replication between the active and passive copies failed for database copy '{0}'. The file '{1}' was not expected to exist.
Removing the retention policy tag named "{0}". This will remove the tag from all mailbox items which have this tag applied, ...
Replace the permissions of a specific user in the client permissions list for a public folder with a new set of permissions, ...
Replacing the current log '{1}' with the corresponding log from the active copy in order to continue replication between ...
Replacing the current log '{2}' with the corresponding log from the active copy in order to continue replication between ...
Replacing the current log '{2}' with the corresponding log from the active copy in order to continue replication between ...
Replay lag is being played down because there are logs in the required range of the database. This is usually a result of ...
ReplayedLogs and AcllFinalReplayQueue is the number of log-files replayed by the copy as it mounted. Large values here would ...
ReplayLagPercentage is the amount of lag a database copy with replay lag configured is actually currently realizing. It is ...
Replication for database %1 has been marked for resume, but may not actually have been resumed. Please use the Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus ...