Cannot restore this virtual machine because an item read from the saved state data is not recognized. Delete the saved state data and then try to start the virtual machine.
Cannot reserve the processor amount specified for virtual machine '%1' is out of range. The range is %3 through %4. (Virtual ...
Cannot reset the secure channel password for the account of the local computer. The local computer is not currently part ...
Cannot reset the secure channel password for the computer account in the domain. Operation failed with the following exception: ...
Cannot resolve alias '{0}' because it refers to term '{1}', which is not recognized as a cmdlet, function, operable program, ...
Cannot restore this virtual machine because an item read from the saved state data is not recognized. Delete the saved state ...
Cannot restore this virtual machine because the saved state data cannot be read. Delete the saved state data and then try ...
Cannot restore this virtual machine to the saved state because of hypervisor incompatibility. Delete the saved state data ...
Cannot resume the job that has an ID of {0}. Resuming jobs is not supported for some job types. For more information about ...
Cannot retrieve dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Dynamic parameter '{1}' specified parameter set '{6}' which was not statically ...