While drillthrough exists in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, drillthrough settings are not migrated from previous versions of Analysis Services.
While attempting to cancel pending file operations, the following error occurred: '%{Note1/}'%1[: %{External/}%]%[, %{External/}%]. ...
While attempting to read information from disk, a read error occurred for physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}, logical file: ...
While attempting to store a string, a string was found that was larger than the page size selected. The operation cannot ...
While closing the application determined some information may not have been saved properly. If you would like to exit anyway, ...
While drillthrough exists in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, drillthrough settings are not migrated from previous ...
While formatting a message string using the managed error infrastructure, there was a variant type that does not have formatting ...
While previous versions of Analysis Services allowed you to use ODBC data sources, this functionality is no longer supported ...
While reading current row from host, a premature end-of-message was encountered-an incoming data stream was interrupted when ...
While rolling back a transaction, an error occurred while trying to deliver a rollback notification to the FILESTREAM filter ...