%ws uses a file that has been damaged. To fix the problem, you'll need to reinstall the program using the original installation disc or browse to the installation file on your computer. To continue, click Repair.
Writes Large/sec is the rate at which writes are made by applications that are over 2 times the server's negotiated buffer ...
Writing service principal name list to the computer object %1 failed with error code 2!lx!. Verify that the user running ...
Wrong Type} There is a mismatch between the type of object required by the requested operation and the type of object that ...
WR_E_XMLURIDECLARATION: writer: xml namespace URI (http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace) must be assigned only to prefix ...
ws uses a file that has been damaged. To fix the problem, you'll need to reinstall the program using the original installation ...
ws" did not allow a connection from this computer Wireless connection failed because the network denied the association request ...
ws" did not allow a connection from this computer Wireless connection failed because the network denied the association request ...
WS-Management cannot process the request. The HTTP response from the destination computer was not in the same format as the ...
WS-Management cannot process the request. The operation failed because of an HTTP error. The HTTP error (%1!lu!) is: %2. ...