The payment method cannot be changed on credit card expenses. Category %1 does not allow payment method %2. Please select a different category or contact an administrator to correct.
The payment is overdue. You can calculate interest for late payments from customers by choosing the Finance Charge Memo button. ...
The payment journal is not settled with the vendor invoice %1 because the vendor invoice is not open. Settle the invoice ...
The payment journal name that is used for posting customer payments has not been correctly set up. Set the "New voucher" ...
The payment journal was not settled with the vendor invoice %1 because an error occurred during settlement. Settle the invoice ...
The payment method cannot be changed on credit card expenses. Category %1 does not allow payment method %2. Please select ...
The payment method is referenced in an unreconciled or unposted credit transaction. This payment method cannot be deleted. ...
The payment method is referenced in some unreconciled or unposted credit transaction. This payment method cannot be deleted. ...
The payment method selected is not valid for the category on an itemization, split, or personal expense associated with this ...
The payment of %1 %2 for customer %3 %4 was canceled. Journal %5 was created with a fee of %6 %2 and is ready to be posted. ...