We're sorry, we can't stream your Office program on demand for you on this computer because it's not running a modern Windows operating system.Microsoft Windows 7 (or newer) is required to stream Office on Demand programs.You can try editing this document in your web browser instead.
We're sorry, someone updated the server copy and it's not possible to upload your changes now. Click Resolve to save a copy ...
We're sorry, something went wrong and we can't do this for you right now. You may want to search for this error code online ...
We're sorry, we can't continue because we weren't able to download a required file. Please make sure you're connected to ...
We're sorry, we can't open Office on Demand because there isn't enough free space on your hard drive.Please try editing this ...
We're sorry, we can't stream your Office program on demand for you on this computer because it's not running a modern Windows ...
We're sorry, we couldn't install Office because there isn't enough free space on your hard drive.We'll need %s MB of free ...
We're sorry, we couldn't install Office. Please make sure you're connected to the internet, then retry your installation. ...
We're sorry, we couldn't install your Office product because you don't have a modern Windows operating system.You need Microsoft ...
We're sorry, we couldn't start Office on Demand. Please make sure you're connected to the internet, then retry opening your ...