Unable to install %1 because %2 resource dependencies were specified. The maximum number of allowed resource dependencies is %3.
Unable to Initialize COM library. An instance of EapHostAuthenticatorInvokeConfigUI() is already running. CoInitializeEx ...
Unable to Initialize COM library. The wrong concurrency model was specified for EapHostAuthenticatorInvokeConfigUI(). COM ...
Unable to initialize the RemoteFX host mode module. Restart the computer to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, ...
Unable to install %1 because %2 framework dependencies were specified. The maximum number of allowed framework dependencies ...
Unable to install %1 because %2 resource dependencies were specified. The maximum number of allowed resource dependencies ...
Unable to install %1 because the same package %2 is specified multiple times. Each package specified needs to be unique. ...
Unable to install counter strings because the %1!s! key could not be opened or accessed. The first DWORD in the Data section ...
Unable to load the interface %1 from the registry. There are no routing enabled ports available for use by this demand dial ...
Unable to load the specified offline registry hive. Please ensure you have access to the specified path location and permissions ...