The WS-RM policy under the namespace {0} requires the wsrmp:ExactlyOnce, wsrmp:AtLeastOnce, or wsrmp:AtMostOnce assertion. The {1} element under the {2} namespace was found.
The WS-AT protocol service successfully completed startup and recovery.%r Protocol ID: %1%r Protocol Name: %2%r Process Name: ...
The WS-AT protocol service timed out waiting for a response to an outcome message from a volatile participant. If the participant ...
The WS-AtomicTransaction protocol service could not unmarshal the flowed transaction. The following exception occured: {0} ...
The WS-RM policy under the namespace {0} requires the wsrmp:ExactlyOnce, wsrmp:AtLeastOnce, or wsrmp:AtMostOnce assertion. ...
The WS-RM policy under the namespace {0} requires the wsrmp:ExactlyOnce, wsrmp:AtLeastOnce, or wsrmp:AtMostOnce assertion. ...
The WSDL binding named {0} is not valid because no match for operation {1} was found in the corresponding portType definition. ...
The wsdl operation input {0} in portType {1} does not reference a message. This is either because the message attribute is ...
The wsdl operation output {0} in portType {1} does not reference a message. This is either because the message attribute ...
The wsdl operation {0} in portType {1} contains a fault that does not reference a message. This is either because the message ...