Please provide a valid server name, or a discovery Url of the Exchange server. Do not use an outlook web access Url like https://MyServer/owa, but only input the server name portion of that in the field.
Please contact your administrator. There was an error contacting the server. Technical information (for administrator): {0} ...
Please correct the following problems and restart the setup to ensure full product functionality. To learn more, you can ...
Please correct the following problems to ensure full product functionality. To learn more, you can review the list of !$ ...
Please make sure that your start page contains a script reference to the Office.js file at https://appsforoffice.microso ...
Please provide a valid server name, or a discovery Url of the Exchange server. Do not use an outlook web access Url like ...
Please reboot the system for the Record and Play settings to take effect. Otherwise certain features may not function correctly. ...
Please review the following warnings. To learn more, you can review the list of !$! ...
Please select more than one configuration. If you want to make changes to only one configuration, cancel out of the Multiple ...
Please select more than one platform. If you want to make changes to only one platform, cancel out of the Multiple Platforms ...