The Main Segment ID in Microsoft Dynamics GP is incorrectly configured. Open the Account Format Setup, verify the Main Segment ID is correctly set, and run Check Links on the Account Master.
The main account that you are allocating to is the same main account that you are allocating from. Additional journal entries ...
The main account's chart of account on the automatic posting account is different than the chart of account on the legal ...
The main account's chart of account on the customer posting profile setup is different than the chart of account on the legal ...
The main account's chart of account on the vendor posting profile setup is different than the chart of account on the legal ...
The Main Segment ID in Microsoft Dynamics GP is incorrectly configured. Open the Account Format Setup, verify the Main Segment ...
The MainAccountConsolidateAccount table maintains a list of consolidation accounts for each account group per main account. ...
The Maintain carry-forward status option cannot be turned off if it's been selected. Are you sure you want to select this ...
The major benefit of the solution are that Microsoft Linguistic Assets are made available through the Microsoft Translator ...
The managed path for specified -websiteurl parameter doesn't exist. Change -websiteurl parameter to use existing managed ...