Custom ShowsCreates a custom show within a presentation. When you create a custom show, you group slides in an existing presentation so that you can easily show that section of the presentation to a particular audience and omit it for other audiences.
CurveInserts a line that curves smoothly through the points you click in the active window. Click where you want the shape ...
Custom Animation (Slide Show menu)Adds or changes animation effects on the current slide. Animation effects include sounds, ...
Custom formats can be created using format codes. Type the number format code, using one of the existing codes as a starting ...
Custom formats can be created using format codes. Type the number format code, using one of the existing codes as a starting ...
Custom ShowsCreates a custom show within a presentation. When you create a custom show, you group slides in an existing presentation ...
Custom ViewsCreates different views of a sheet. A view provides an easy way to see your data with different display options. ...
Customize how your presentation will look as a printed handout.You can choose the design and layout of the handout, such ...
Customize how your presentation will look when printed out with your notes.You can choose the design and layout of the notes ...
Customize the current view using advanced view settings.Advanced view settings include adding and removing fields, grouping, ...