Finally clauses that restore security-related state should be wrapped in an outer try block. This will prevent an exception filter further up the stack from executing before a secure environment can be restored. Exception filters that run code expressions in the first pass after the guarded try blocks and before the associated finally block represent a possible security vulnerability. Examples of vulnerable functionality in finally clauses that should be protected against this include: calls to RevertAssert on an asserted permission, undoing a temporary impersonation, reversing an internal flag that bypasses a security check, and restoring the culture associated with a thread.
FilterDescriptor with Name '{0}' defined on the TypeDescriptor '{1}' could not be located in the containing method '{2}'. ...
FilterDescriptor with Name '{1}' is associated with {2} TypeDescriptors belonging to Parameter(s) with direction 'Out', 'InOut' ...
FilterDescriptor with Name '{1}' is not associated with any TypeDescriptors belonging to Parameter(s) with direction 'In'. ...
Finalizers should be avoided where possible, to avoid the additional performance overhead involved in tracking object lifetime. ...
Finally clauses that restore security-related state should be wrapped in an outer try block. This will prevent an exception ...
Find and correct common design, security and performance issues by analyzing your code. Use check-in policies to enforce ...
Find and select specific text, formatting, or type of information within the workbook. You can also replace the information ...
Find out the number of words, characters, paragraphs, and lines in the document. You can also find the word count in the ...
Finding new content online and checking for updates to Microsoft content require a connection to the Internet. HLM uses the ...