%1 (%2) %3An attempt to create the folder "%4" failed with system error %6: "%7". The create folder operation will fail with error %5. For more information, click http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp.
An appointment with the subject "%1" was saved to mailbox %2. The start time is missing, so the calendaring agent cannot ...
An attachment was removed from this e-mail message because the attachment was determined to pose a possible security risk. ...
An attempt to copy the file "%4" to "%5" failed with system error %7: "%8". The copy file operation will fail with error ...
An attempt to create the file "%4" failed with system error %6: "%7". The create file operation will fail with error %5. ...
An attempt to create the folder "%4" failed with system error %6: "%7". The create folder operation will fail with error ...
An attempt to delete the file "%4" failed with system error %6: "%7". The delete file operation will fail with error %5. ...
An attempt to determine the amount of free/total space for the volume "%4" containing "%5" failed with system error %7: "%8". ...
An attempt to determine the minimum I/O block size for the volume "%4" containing "%5" failed with system error %7: "%8". ...
An attempt to move the file "%4" to "%5" failed with system error %7: "%8". The move file operation will fail with error ...