The BankReconciliationHeaderLog table contains all the informational messages that have been raised during running matching rule or rule set automatically.
The bank data conversion service has found one or more errors.\For each line to be exported, resolve the errors that are ...
The bank statement contains payments that are already applied, but the related bank account ledger entries are not closed.\Do ...
The bank statement that you are importing contains transactions in %1 %2. This conflicts with the %3 %4.\Do you want to continue? ...
The BankPositivePayFormat table is used to set up positive pay formats that will be used in generating positive pay files ...
The BankReconciliationHeaderLog table contains all the informational messages that have been raised during running matching ...
The BankReconciliationHistoryDetails table contains all open bank statement lines and bank documents when the reconciliation ...
The BankReconciliationMatchingItem table contains all matching information between bank document and bank statement lines. ...
The BankReconciliationMatchRuleLine table contains all matching rule criteria details, includes bank statement line criteria, ...
The BankStatementLineBankDocumentInformation table contains the information that is needed for posting the bank statement. ...