Unsupported type {0} from assembly {1}. Either a constructor has an invalid parameter for the add-in model, or the assembly isn't currently supported.
Unrecoverable error: The ServiceModelReg tool requires both FullTrust and Administrator privileges to run. You are not currently ...
Unsafe string conversion from {0} to {1} may lead to implicit truncation. Try reshaping the string explicitly with a Substring ...
Unsupported .NET Framework version "{0}". Please specify a value from the enumeration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion. ...
Unsupported SQL Server version. The .Net Framework SqlClient Data Provider can only be used with SQL Server versions 7.0 ...
Unsupported type {0} from assembly {1}. Either a constructor has an invalid parameter for the add-in model, or the assembly ...
Unsupported WSDL, only one message part is supported for fault messages. This fault message references zero or more than ...
Unsupported WSDL, the fault message part must reference an element. This fault message does not reference an element. If ...
Unwrapped messages are only supported using MessageContracts. Please use MessageContract type for operation '{0}' of implemented ...
Update has encountered warning situation(s) examining assemblies, but due to security restrictions, is not returning them. ...