Add, list or remove all or specified host groups in a team project. TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /collection:/teamProject: [/add /teamProjectCollectionHostGroup:(* | ) /name: [/description: ] [/NoPrompt]] [/delete /name: [/noprompt]] [/list] The TPHostGroup option is used to manage host groups for a team project. This command lets you create, remove and list the host groups in a team project. Some options require that you include additional parameters. /Add Adds the specified host group to the team project. You must specify the /teamProjectCollectionHostGroup and /name options with /Add. /Delete Removes the specified host group from the team project. You must specify the /name options with /Delete. /List Lists all the host groups that are bound to the specified team project. Examples: TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /Add /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection /teamProject:* /teamProjectCollectionHostGroup:* TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /Add /collection:http://abc:8080/Collection0 /teamProject:* /teamProjectCollectionHostGroup:collectionHostGroup1 /name:hg1 TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /Delete /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection /teamProject:* /name:* TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /Delete /collection:http://abc:8080/Collection0 /teamProject:Project1 /name:hg1 TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /List /collection:http://abc:8080/TFS/DefaultCollection /teamProject:Project2
Add the following line to the root element of the XAML file where you wish to use this control: xmlns:MyNamespace="clr-n ...
Add the following line to the root element of the XAML file where you wish to use this control: xmlns:MyNamespace="clr-n ...
Add the MarshalAsAttribute to parameter {0} of P/Invoke {1}. If the corresponding unmanaged parameter is a 4-byte Win32 'BOOL', ...
Add the MarshalAsAttribute to the return type of P/Invoke {0}. If the corresponding unmanaged return type is a 4-byte Win32 ...
Add, list or remove all or specified host groups in a team project. TfsLabConfig TPHostGroup /collection: /teamProject: /add ...
Add, list or remove all or specified library shares in a team project. TfsLabConfig TPLibraryShare /collection: /teamProject: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified host groups in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /hostGroup /collectionName: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified host groups in a team project collection TfsLabConfig TPCHostGroup /collection: /name: ...
Add, remove, or modify all or specified library shares in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /libraryShare /collectionName: ...