Startup of the database-mirroring master thread routine failed for the following reason: %1!s!. Correct the cause of this error, and restart the SQL Server service.
SSPI handshake failed with error code 1!s! while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been ...
stale page (a page read returned a log sequence number (LSN) (%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!) that is older than the last one that was ...
Start session and exit. All results will be written to a database only. The output may be generated later by supplying -ID ...
Starting the Change Data Capture Collection Agent job. To report on the progress of the operation, query the sys.dm_cdc_log_scan_sessions ...
Startup of the database-mirroring master thread routine failed for the following reason: %1!s!. Correct the cause of this ...
Statistics '%s' specified in input configuration cannot be created because a duplicate statistics with the same name exists ...
Status information for Publisher '{0}' is stored at its Distributor, '{1}'. In the following dialog box, specify how Replication ...
STDDEV=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an ...
STDDEVP=1= Set , Numeric Expression ]=Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using ...