Enter the numeric code for the country or region of this dial plan so that UM can dial domestic and international numbers correctly. For example, if your UM dial plan is in the United States, the code is 1. This field accepts 1 to 4 numbers.
Couldn't switch the mailbox into Sync Source mode. This could be because of one of the following reasons: Another administrator ...
Couldn't switch the mailbox into Sync Source mode. This could be because of one of the following reasons: Another administrator ...
Couldn't update mailbox '{0}' because it is hosted on a legacy Exchange server. Update the mailbox from the server on which ...
Couldn't update the primary SMTP address because this mailbox is configured to use an e-mail address policy. To disable the ...
Country/region code Enter the numeric code for the country or region of this dial plan so that UM can dial domestic and international ...
Country/region code Enter the numeric code for the country or region of this UM dial plan so that UM can dial domestic and ...
Country/region number format Enter the number format to use to resolve caller ID for users dialing outside this dial plan ...
Create a federation trust with the Microsoft Federation Gateway for the purposes of sharing calendars and contacts, accessing ...
Create a federation trust with the Microsoft Federation Gateway for the purposes of sharing calendars and contacts, accessing ...