Exceeded the number of trace sessions that can enable the ETW provider. Disable the provider for some sessions and try again.
events have been lost from the ETW session. To resolve this problem, increase the number of ETW session buffers and their ...
Every IDREFS or NMTOKENS column in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query must appear in a separate SELECT clause, and the instances must ...
Every IDREFS or NMTOKENS column in a FOR XML EXPLICIT query must appear in a separate SELECT clause, and the instances must ...
Exceeded the maximum number of partitions in a measure group. The installed server editions allows not more than 3 partitions ...
Exceeded the number of trace sessions that can enable the ETW provider. Disable the provider for some sessions and try again. ...
Excel Rendering Extension: Number of columns exceeds the maximum possible columns per sheet in this format; Columns Requested: ...
Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceeds the maximum possible rows per sheet in this format; Rows Requested: {0}, ...
ExcelRenderingExtension: Value of cell at row {0}, column {1} exceeds the maximum length for a string of 32767 characters. ...
Exception %1!s!, %2!s! occurred when the server tried to reset connection %3!s!. Because the server cannot recover from the ...