The video output cannot enable the Content Generation Management System Analogue (CGMS-A) protection technology because it does not support CGMS-A.
The VerticalResolution property indicates the current number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) of the display. ...
The Vhd Chain for VHD %4 is corrupted. The expected LastWriteGUID %2 (%3) did not match the parent's actual LastWriteGUID ...
The VHD file %1 has been modified without updating its associated change tracking file. Because the consistency of the change ...
The video adapter supports hardware 3D rendering, but it has been disabled. A software renderer will be used instead. This ...
The video output cannot enable the Content Generation Management System Analogue (CGMS-A) protection technology because it ...
The video output cannot enable the High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) System because it does not support HDCP. ...
The VideoMode property contains a user readable description of the current screen resolution and color setting of the display. ...
The VideoModeDescription property indicates the current resolution, color, and scan mode settings of the video controller. ...
The viewer must close because it encountered an error from which it cannot recover. Restart the viewer and reopen your document. ...