There are one or more entries for which no payment suggestions have been made because the posting dates of the entries are later than the posting date in the Suggest Vendor Payments batch job request window. Do you want to see the entries?
There are errors in the text conversion. The error occurred in file %11 on line %12 in text '%13'./n/nThe syntax is invalid ...
There are event triggers associated to the global variable %6. Deleting the variable will delete the event triggers and their ...
There are more than %1 rows within the filters. Excel only allows up to %1 rows.\You can either narrow the filters or choose ...
There are no Posted G/L Entries for this Account, so it cannot be 1-n. Please select Matching Type 1-1 and the corresponding ...
There are one or more entries for which no payment suggestions have been made because the posting dates of the entries are ...
There are problems with the %1 Approval Setup. Re-enter Approval Amounts and make sure that at least one user has unlimited ...
There are several interfaces in the type library, which have the name you have specified./nClick the assist-edit button to ...
There are table relations defined for the table %1. If you %2 the table the relation will be deleted. Do you still want do ...
There are too many dimensions. The variable is defined with fewer dimensions. For example:/n/nMyVar/nMyArray[MyVar]/nMyArray[1,2]/nMyArray[1][2] ...