!z,cumulative!!Returns the standard normal distribution (has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one)!is the value for which you want the distribution!is a logical value for the function to return: the cumulative distribution function = TRUE; the probability density function = FALSE!
Your workbook contains a function category with a custom name. If you save as a Web Page, then open the workbook in Excel ...
Your workbook contains a function category with a custom name. If you save as an XML Spreadsheet, then open the workbook ...
Your workbook has grown larger than the maximum workbook size allowed by {0:Excel} in the browser. While your changes will ...
z!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2007 and earlier.Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution ...
z,cumulative!Returns the standard normal distribution (has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one)!is the value for ...