The database transfer operation failed. The destination database '|' was created and is in an unknown state. What would you like to do with the destination database?|7&Keep|7&Delete@@@35@@@
The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read. The database can be opened only if ...
The database engine does not recognize either the field '|1' in a validation expression, or the default value in the table ...
The database must be closed prior to synchronization.@Do you want |9 to close the database and synchronize with '|1'?@19@2 ...
The database that you are trying to open or convert is currently in use, or you do not have permission to open it exclusively.@When ...
The database transfer operation failed. The destination database '|' was created and is in an unknown state. What would you ...
The database you are attempting to connect to is not available. If you are trying to export or link a view of a list to Microsoft ...
The database you are trying to open cannot be opened by the Microsoft Access database engine Data Access Object Library. ...
The database |1 was created in an earlier version of |9.@Convert this database to the current version of |9 by using the ...
The DDE conversation was interrupted.@* You may have passed an incorrect channel number to a DDE function or statement.* ...