Are you sure you want to remove this delegated administrator? Doing so will prevent this partner from making updates or changes to your account.
APNs certificate expires once a year. Once it expires you will not be able to manage enrolled iOS devices until you upload ...
App Bundle ID(s) in the file are incorrect or duplicate and were not uploaded. Verify the App Bundle IDs in the file, then ...
App URL(s) in the file are incorrect or duplicate and were not uploaded. Verify the App URLs in the file, then try again ...
Apply the following default access level to mobile devices that are not covered by a platform exception. If conditional access ...
Are you sure you want to remove this delegated administrator? Doing so will prevent this partner from making updates or changes ...
As an administrator, you can enable most users to set up their smartphones to send and receive email with Microsoft Exchange ...
As part of an update coming to Microsoft Intune in February, the minimum version required to install and use the Intune Company ...
At least one global administrator must have licenses for both Microsoft Intune and Exchange as well as read and write access ...
Azure Active Directory Basic edition provides application access and self-service identity management requirements for task ...