This subscription is no longer valid because the processing options or parameter properties for the underlying report have changed. To continue using the subscription, re-save it. Saving the subscription will update the parameter properties in the subscription definition stored on the report server.
This SQL Server edition does not supports the installed number of cluster nodes. To continue, remove nodes and then complete ...
This SQL Server edition is not supported on this operating system. See SQL Server Books Online for information about supported ...
This statement will be executed next. To change the statement that will execute next, drag the arrow. However, this may produce ...
This subscription does not support automatic reinitialization (subscribed with the 'no sync' option). To reinitialize this ...
This subscription is no longer valid because the processing options or parameter properties for the underlying report have ...
This table cannot be published because it contains a timestamp column. Timestamp columns are not supported in merge publications ...
This table cannot be published because it does not have a primary key column. Primary key columns are required for all tables ...
This table cannot be published because it is an article in an existing transactional publication and the Publisher is an ...
This table cannot be published in a merge publication because it is already published in a transactional publication with ...