We cannot transfer this subscription to you right now because your account operates in a different currency than the current account.
We can't update {0} with {1}. This may be because this email address is already linked to another Skype account, or it may ...
We cannot at this time transfer your subscription because you have Data Services from the Azure Marketplace associated with ...
We cannot federate an Azure AD domain while signed in to Azure AD as a user in the same domain. Please choose a different ...
We cannot reach this server. Make sure Windows PowerShell remote management is enabled on the remote server and any firewalls ...
We cannot transfer this subscription to you right now because your account operates in a different currency than the current ...
We could not find an AD domain controller running Windows Server 2012 or higher in the current domain. {0} about AD FS requirements ...
We could not verify your credit card information. This could be the result of a temporary error in our system. Please try ...
We couldn't add the account as we're unable to connect to the server. Please verify that your network is not blocking any ...
We couldn't connect to your service instance. If you're able to reach your ServiceNow instance with the provided instance ...