En[crypt {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;ProtectionLevel[;password Operation. Encrypts the loaded package with the specified protection ...

En[crypt] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path;ProtectionLevel[;password]  Operation. Encrypts the loaded package with the specified protection level and password and save it to the specified location.  The level determines whether the password is needed or not.  o SQL  - Path is the path and name of the destination package. o File - Path is the fully qualified path and file name for the package. o DTS  - Path is the path and name of the destination package.  Protection     Level     Description     0       Strip sensitive information.     1       Sensitive information is encrypted using local user credentials.     2       Sensitive information is encrypted using the required password.     3       Package is encrypted using the required password.     4       Package is encrypted using local user credentials.     5       Package uses SQLServer storage encryption.