Service %1. %2 for database %3 reached a work cycle checkpoint (Duration: %4). %5 mailboxes were successfully processed. %6 mailboxes were skipped due to errors. %7 mailboxes were processed separately. %8 mailboxes were skipped due to failure to open a store session. %9 mailboxes were retried. There are %10 mailboxes remaining on this database which will be processed during the next workcycle checkpoints.
Service %1. %2 caused the process to terminate %3 times while processing mailbox %4 on database %5. The following exception ...
Service %1. %2 caused the process to terminate %3 times while processing mailbox %4 on database %5. This mailbox will no ...
Service %1. %2 for database %3 has finished an on-demand request. %4 out of %5 mailboxes were successfully processed. %6 ...
Service %1. %2 for database %3 is exiting a work cycle. No mailboxes were successfully processed. %4 mailboxes were skipped ...
Service %1. %2 for database %3 reached a work cycle checkpoint (Duration: %4). %5 mailboxes were successfully processed. ...
Service %1. '%2' has caused process termination %3 times while processing event %4 on database %5 for mailbox %6. The following ...
Service %1. '%2' indicated that the following event %3 should be skipped for mailbox %4. The following exception caused this ...
Service %1. '%5' caused process termination %6 times while attempting to process an event on database %3 for mailbox %4; ...
Service %1. A total of %2 active mailboxes and %3 stale mailboxes have been detected with decayed watermarks in database ...