Incoming Connections can not issue the ipx network numbers 00000000 or FFFFFFFF. Please either change the assigned network numbers or use automatic network number assignment.
In Windows XP Home Edition, Help Topics results are provided only if there are no keyword results ("Suggested Topics") available. ...
InactivityTimeout defines the time limit (in seconds) for automatic disconnection of the phone line, if no data is exchanged. ...
Includes all data on this computer, and creates a system recovery disk that can be used to restore Windows in the case of ...
Includes Open Business and Open Volume offerings which are volume licensing programs for small or medium-sized organizations. ...
Incoming Connections can not issue the ipx network numbers 00000000 or FFFFFFFF. Please either change the assigned network ...
Incoming Connections depend on the Routing and Remote Access service which was unable to start. For more information, check ...
Incoming fax %1 cannot be routed to %2. Verify that folder %2 specified for the incoming routing method exists and that it ...
Incoming faxes cannot be routed and archived, because the Fax service cannot access the folder %1 specified as the Inbox ...
Incoming: Users in the local domain can authenticate in the specified domain, but users in the specified domain cannot authenticate ...