A trusted publishing domain with KeyIdType "{0}" and KeyId "{1}" already exists. You need to delete the existing TPD first.
A transient failure has occurred. The problem may resolve itself in a while. The service will retry in %1 minutes. Message: ...
A transient internal error has occurred when trying to access the Discovery system mailbox which contains internal information ...
A transient memory corruption was detected. Please run the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool and/or investigate hardware issues. ...
A transient memory corruption was detected. Please run the Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool and/or investigate hardware issues. ...
A trusted publishing domain with KeyIdType "{0}" and KeyId "{1}" already exists. You need to delete the existing TPD first. ...
A UM IP gateway links UM to the physical IP gateway device or session border controller (SBC) so it can handle calls from ...
A UMIPGateway already exists in Active Directory for the Office Communications Server Pool. A new UM IP gateway wasn't created ...
A UMIPGateway doesn't exist in Active Directory for the Office Communications Server Pool. A new UM IP gateway is being created ...
A Unified Messaging mailbox policy '{0}' can't be found in the target forest on the global catalog '{1}'. To ignore the policy ...