The current record in |1 |2 must be saved before you can complete this operation.@Do you want to save the current record in |1 |2?@@3@@@1
The current database '|1' has |2 active connections. |9 must disconnect all applications before you can copy the database ...
The current database is a partial replica. You must open a full replica in the set before you run the wizard, in order for ...
The current field must match the join key '|' in the table that serves as the 'one' side of one-to-many relationship. Enter ...
The current file format no longer supports user-level security. The conversion or compaction process has removed any user-level ...
The current record in |1 |2 must be saved before you can complete this operation.@Do you want to save the current record ...
The current recordsource may be invalid (for example, it may contain an invalid join expression), or there was some other ...
The current selection does not contain any fields that can be checked for spelling errors.@You can check the spelling of ...
The current user account doesn't have permission to convert or enable this database.@To convert or enable a database, ensure ...
The current user account doesn't have permission to make an MDE file from this database.@To make an MDE file, do the following: ...