{0} passes '{1}' as the 'StringComparison' parameter to {2}. To perform a non-linguistic comparison, specify 'StringComparison.Ordinal' or 'StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase' instead.
Partial keyword Indicates that a method, class, or structure declaration is a partial definition of the method, class, or ...
Partially sign an assembly. Use /DELAYSIGN if you only want to place the public key in the assembly. The default is /DELAYSIGN:NO. ...
Partition columns of table's text/image storage don't match partition scheme, partition of table's text/image storage will ...
passes '{1}' as the 'StringComparer' parameter to {2}. To perform a non-linguistic comparison, specify 'StringComparer.Ordinal' ...
passes '{1}' as the 'StringComparison' parameter to {2}. To perform a non-linguistic comparison, specify 'StringComparison.Ordinal' ...
passes {1} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter to {2}. This property returns a culture that is inappropriate for formatting ...
passes {1} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter to {2}. This property returns a culture that is inappropriate for formatting ...
Passing '%1!ls!' as ref or out or taking its address may cause a runtime exception because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference ...
Path Ellipsis : Specifies that the end of the string is truncated and ellipses are added in the middle if it doesn't fit ...