Description: Adds or removes an existing driver group filter from a driver group. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroupFilter ...

Description: Adds or removes an existing driver group filter from a driver

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroupFilter /DriverGroup:
     [/Policy:{Include | Exclude}]
     [/AddValue: [/AddValue: ...]]
     [/RemoveValue: [/RemoveValue: ...]]

/DriverGroup:           The name of the driver group.
[/Server:]             The name of the WDS server. This can be
                                    either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN.
                                    If not specified, the local server will
                                    be used.
/FilterType:            The type of the driver group filter to add
                                    or remove. You can specify multiple filters
                                    in a single command. For each /FilterType,
                                    you can add or remove multiple
                                    values using /RemoveValue and /AddValue.
                                     can be BiosVendor, BiosVersion,
                                    ChassisType, Manufacturer, Uuid, OsVersion,
                                    OsEdition, OsLanguage.
[/Policy:{Include | Exclude}]       The new policy to be set on the filter.
                                    If /Policy is set to Include, client
                                    computers that match the filter are
                                    allowed to install the drivers in this group
                                    If /Policy is set to Exclude, then client
                                    computers that fit the filter are not
                                    allowed to install the drivers in this
[/AddValue:]                 The new client value to add to the
                                    filter. You can specify multiple values for
                                    a single filter type. See the following
                                    list for valid values for certain filter
[/RemoveValue:]              The existing client value to remove from
                                    the filter. You can specify multiple values
                                    for a single filter type. See the following
                                    list for valid values for certain filter

Valid Filter Values:
Filter Type: ChassisType
Other, UnknownChassis, Desktop, LowProfileDesktop, PizzaBox, MiniTower,
Tower, Portable, Laptop, Notebook, Handheld, DockingStation, AllInOne,
SubNotebook, SpaceSaving, LunchBox, MainSystemChassis, ExpansionChassis,
SubChassis, BusExpansionChassis, PeripheralChassis, StorageChassis,
RackMountChassis, SealedCaseComputer, MultiSystemChassis, CompactPci,

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroupFilter /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers
/FilterType:Manufacturer /Policy:Include /AddValue:Name1 /RemoveValue:Name2

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroupFilter /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers
/FilterType:Manufacturer /Policy:Include /RemoveValue:Name1
/FilterType:ChassisType /Policy:Exclude /AddValue:Tower /AddValue:MiniTower