To delete a specified class from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete classParameters: Name - Name of the user or vendor class to be deleted. Notes: All parameters in are required. Example: delete class MyClass This command deletes the class named MyClass.
To delete a specific lease from the scope. Syntax: delete lease Parameters: IPv6Address - The IPv6 Address corresponding ...
To delete a specific option value from the scope. Syntax: delete optionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName Parameters: ...
To delete a specific option value from the scope. Syntax: delete optionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName Parameters: ...
To delete a specific option value from the scope. Syntax: delete optionvalue user=UserName vendor=VendorName Parameters: ...
To delete a specified class from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete class Parameters: Name - Name of the user or vendor class ...
To delete a superscope from the DHCP server. Syntax: delete superscope Parameters: SuperscopeName - Name of the superscope ...
To delete all or specific Persona Grata servers from the list. Syntax: delete pgserver Servers=]{List of IP addresses} Parameters: ...
To delete all or specific Persona Non Grata servers from the list. Syntax: delete pngserver Servers=]{List of IP addresses} ...
To delete an exclusion range from the scope list. Syntax: delete excluderange Parameters: StartIP - Starting IP address of ...