The Domain property for the guest operating system profile or template object is not valid. It contains a non-matching service setting delimiter '@'.
The disk size is larger than the available space. The disk size is %DiskSize; GB and the maximum amount allowed for bus %BusType; ...
The disk with index %Id; on source machine %ServerName; is an attached virtual hard disk. This configuration is not supported ...
The distance in pixels that must be traveled during an interactive move operation to remove the diagram object from its current ...
The Domain property for guest operating system profile or template object is not valid. It contains a non-matching service ...
The Domain property for the guest operating system profile or template object is not valid. It contains a non-matching service ...
The driver installation file %FileName; cannot successfully install into the Windows PE image required for the physical-to-virtual ...
The Ethernet address for a network interface can either be generated dynamically by virtual server or can be set to a static ...
The existing Virtual Guest Services on virtual machine %VMName; residing on host %VMHostName; was installed by an early version ...
The ExtensionUplinkPortProfile (%Name;) supplied does not have the parent extension configured in the logical switch and ...