A bit map that tells when this action will be preformed based on the following Hexadecimal Decimal Description 0x001 1 Remove only when the associated component is being installed (msiInstallStateLocalor msiInstallStateSource). 0x002 2 Remove only when the associated component is being removed (msiInstallStateAbsent). 0x003 3 Remove in either of the above cases.
A binding represents an access point and one or more instances of the service that can be accessed at that point. An Instance ...
A binding represents an access point and one or more instances of the service that can be accessed at that point. You can ...
A bit flag representing patch attributes. A value of 1 indicates that the failure to apply this patch is not a fatal error. ...
A bit map representing the operations for which this object applies. The following are the valid values Hexadecimal Decimal ...
A bit map that tells when this action will be preformed based on the following Hexadecimal Decimal Description 0x001 1 Remove ...
A boolean indicating whether the NetworkAdapter is capable of automatically determining the speed or other communications ...
A cache exists on another device in the system. Please remove the cache from that device before creating a cache on this ...
A call to the Intersite Messaging service that specifies the following transport failed. Transport: %1 As a result, the Knowledge ...
A caller has attempted to connect to a remote MSDTC on machine '%1'. The attempt failed because the remote machine is configured ...