This is not a valid delay sign. Negative delay values can only be given to tasks or assignments that are in a schedule-from-finish project. Positive delay values are given to tasks or assignments that are in a schedule-from-start project.
This is an invalid value for this resource. Only 0% or 100% completion is valid for cost resources with accrual at the start ...
This is an invalid value for this resource}Only 0% or 100% completion is valid for cost resources with accrual at the start ...
This is not a valid Cost value. For Cost resources (such as expenses, fees, or budgets), type a positive number between 0 ...
This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2149. Type ...
This is not a valid delay sign. Negative delay values can only be given to tasks or assignments that are in a schedule-from-finish ...
This is not a valid delay sign.}Negative delay values can only be given to tasks or assignments that are in a schedule-from-finish ...
This is not a valid field. Check the information in your .MPX file to see if there is data in fields that does not match ...
This is not a valid field.}Check the information in your .MPX file to see if there is data in fields that does not match ...
This is not a valid file name for a project.}Project names must contain fewer than 255 characters and may not contain any ...