The server might be temporarily unavailable or your computer might have a network connection problem. Try sending it again. If that still doesn't work, you can use the instructions and the link to the Microsoft Support website that were provided with the data that came back from the problem computer to send the data.
The server is unavailable and cannot be accessed. The server is probably disconnected from the network. Access attempts will ...
The server licensor certificate (SLC) could not be located in the AD RMS configuration database. This can happen if you selected ...
The server licensor certificate is the certificate that signs all of the licenses and certificates granted by this cluster. ...
The server machine is configured to require data encryption. The machine for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 does not support ...
The server might be temporarily unavailable or your computer might have a network connection problem. Try sending it again. ...
The server might be temporarily unavailable, or your computer might have a network connection problem. Please check your ...
The server name cannot be found on the network because the server is not a Remote Installation server, the server is not ...
The server name entered does not refer to a unique server object, or the server doesn't exist. The client cannot be supported. ...
The server name of the object you have select was not able to be determined. Some options may not be available or may not ...