Windows has triggered a breakpoint in %s. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in %s or any of the DLLs it has loaded. This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while %2 has focus. The output window may have more diagnostic information.
Windows Firewall does not currently allow exceptions. Use Control Panel to change the Windows Firewall settings so that exceptions ...
Windows Firewall is preventing collection of data and diagnostics. To allow collection, you must first add the program that ...
Windows Firewall is preventing your tests from running. To allow tests to run, you must first add Microsoft Visual Studio ...
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in %1. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in %2 or any ...
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in %s. This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in %s or any ...
Windows Installer version 3.1 or higher is required to perform this installation. Please visit ...
Windows Phone IP over USB Transport (IpOverUsbSvc) is not running. Retry after starting Windows Phone IP over USB Transport ...
Windows Phone SDK 8.0 or Windows Phone SDK 7.1 is required, but they are not installed on this computer. Please install at ...
Windows Runtime interface '%2!ls!' has already been implemented by a base type of '%1!ls!'. Re-implementation of '%2!ls!' ...