Query | contains an ambiguous column name that is conflicting with the correlation (alias) name |. Either fully qualify the column name or change the correlation (alias) name.
Previewing or printing this PivotTable view might take a long time because it displays a large amount of detail data. |9 ...
Previous scheduled File System exchange to the same destination synchronizer is still in progress. Make sure that the remote ...
Primary key fields must contain unique values that are never duplicated in the new table. For example, people's last names ...
Q" & (Int((Year(|0)*4+(Month(|0)-1)/3)/|1)*|1) Mod 4+1 & " " & Int(((Int((Year(|0)*4+(Month(|0)-1)/3)/|1)*|1))/4) & " - Q" ...
Query | contains an ambiguous column name that is conflicting with the correlation (alias) name |. Either fully qualify the ...
Query | was created with a later release of Microsoft Access database engine and may have syntax that this version of Microsoft ...
Read-write connections allow other applications, including Access 2010 and older, to read and update the data in your database. ...
Read-Write Connections allow other applications, including older versions of (!idspnAccess_NV), to read and update data in ...
Recipients receive information to review. They can then update the information and return the message to you, and in the ...