No route matches the destination service name for this conversation. Create a route to the destination service name for messages in this conversation to be delivered.
No provider of type and version greater or equal to {1} found. Check the server configuration or install the provider on ...
No recognized letter is contained in the parameter value for General Permission Type (%1!s!). Valid letters are in this set: ...
No Report Builder models are available. To use Report Builder, at least one model must be published to the report server, ...
No restrictions are placed on the aggregation designer; however, the attribute must still be evaluated to determine whether ...
No route matches the destination service name for this conversation. Create a route to the destination service name for messages ...
No rows were successfully inserted into the destination. This may be due to a data type mismatch between columns, or due ...
No rows will be sent to error output(s). Configure error or truncation dispositions to redirect rows to the error output(s), ...
No rows will be sent to the no match output. Configure the transformation to redirect rows with no matching entries to the ...
No SQL Server 2008 components were found on the specified computer. Either no components are installed, or you are not an ...